This unit deals with the teachings about God; the course has been compiled to help the student to receive accurate knowledge and understanding of who God is and practical wisdom on how to fellowship and walk with Him.
Topics Covered in this course include: Theology, Ministry of the Father, Ministry of the Son, Ministry of The Holy Spirit
The Bible is the Word of God and a manual for proper human existence. The subject of this course is to understand the authenticity of the Bible. The student is also taught how to accurately interpret and apply its principles in life.
Topics covered in this course include:- Compilation and Canonization, Bible History,Old & New Testament Survey,Ancient Kingdoms and Cultures, Types and Shadows, Places of Worship,The Study of the Bible
Every Kingdom is governed by a King and functions according to its set order. Having already known the King, this unit introduces the student to the principles and order governing His Kingdom.
The purpose of this course is to help them enjoy lifestyles of order , and rightly propagate the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Topics covered include: The Kingdom Defined, The History of God’s Kingdom, Dispensations, Angels, Enemies of God’s Kingdom, Kingdom Technology, The Kingdom Technician
From the fall of Adam, a ridge has existed between God and Man. Jesus came to bridge this gap and restore man back to the glory he had with God. This course is designed to bring the students to an understanding of the total package of salvation and to shed light on how they can appropriate it in their lives.
Topics covered in this course include:- The Fall of Man, Study of Religion, Understanding Salvation (Soteria), The Journey to Salvation, Principles of Salvation, Christian Counseling
This course brings the student to an understanding of the New Testament Man, and how God intended him to live in this day and age. It reawakens them to the inexhaustible resources within this New Creation.
Topics covered in this course include:- The Creation of Man, Make-up (nature) of Man, Different states and kinds of Man, The Dynamics (functioning) of Man,The Ministries of Man.
This course examines the basic teachings in the Word of God. It seeks to de-mystify doctrines and teachings previously assumed as a preserve of the clergy. Students gain a hands on understanding of the New Testament and its application in their daily lives.
Topics covered in this course include:- Understanding Doctrines, Worship and Praise, Prayer, Faith, Communion & Baptisms, Giving, Laying on of Hands, Eschatology
Every saint has a calling to influence and impact his/her world with the Kingdom of God. This jurisdiction is their environment of optimal performance. This course explores the parameters and the dynamics of the Kingly Ministry, and teaches the student to be successful in it.
Topics covered in this course include:- Purpose & Ministry, Diversity and Specialized Ministry, Ministry Building Technology (Principles), Kingdom/ Ministry Ethics, Women in Ministry,Cross Cultural ministry, Effective Kingdom Ministration, Marriage & The Family, Divine Relationships, Social Etiquette, Reconciling Your Nation to God
Every Strong King has a strong Priest. The King who understands this principle stands a better chance of success than the one who doesn’t. The believer is both Priest and King therefore weakness in the priestly office is an automatic set-up for failure in the Kingly Ministry.
Topics covered in this course include:- The Believer as a Priest, Hearing & Walking with God, Sacrifices of a Priest, Inception & Progression of the Priestly Office, Transcending Glories
Every Strong King has a strong Priest. The King who understands this principle stands a better chance of success than the one who doesn’t. The believer is both Priest and King therefore weakness in the priestly office is an automatic set-up for failure in the Kingly Ministry.
Topics covered in this course include:- The Believer as a Priest, Hearing & Walking with God, Sacrifices of a Priest, Inception & Progression of the Priestly Office, Transcending Glories
Everybody should handle his/her call as the Lord’s business. Kingdom Business will educate the student on starting, building and establishing a successful kingdom enterprise.
Topics Covered in this course include:- Introduction to Kingdom Business, Strategic Planning, Kingdom Leadership
Marketing & Sales, Financial Management, Business Law, Business Report Writing, Human Resource, Media, Communication Management