He is the Senior Trustee, Chairman of The Joshua Generation Trust as well as Senior Pastor of The Eagles Nest Church. He is an ordained minister under the Redeemed Christian Church of God and The Grace Family Churches incorporated. He ministers predominantly in an apostolic and prophetic anointing.
Apostle Niyi is a holder of a Bsc. Degree in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering and has a Diploma in Kingdom/Christian ministries from the Kingdom Academy. He has worked as an Assistant Minister at WISMO (Word In Sound Music Organization) and as the Manager of Word Videos, both in Nigeria. He worked with International Faith Embassies rising to be Senior Pastor in it's church branches and the National Church Coordinator (Kenya), where he was coordinating 15 churches.
He is married to Prophet Esther and together they are blessed with two children.
She is Trustee of The Joshua Generation Trust and an Associate Pastor of the Eagles Nest Church. She is Vice-chairperson of the Executive Advisory Board and the ministerial team of the Joshua Generation. She is also the Pastor in Charge of the Youth Ministry of the Joshua Generation and the Eagles Nest Children’s Church.
An ordained minister of the gospel under The Joshua Generation Trust and The Redeemed Christian Church of God. She ministers predominantly in an apostolic and prophetic anointing and is an ardent music minister.
Prophet Esther has a Diploma in Graphic Design & Communication Studies, a Diploma in Kingdom / Christian ministries from the Kingdom Academy and a Certificate in Arts and Skills of teaching and learning Christianly from Principia. She has worked as a Graphic Designer for various organizations, was the advertising manager for Camerapix Ltd and a Music minister with Hart Music group.
She is married to Apostle Niyi and together they are blessed with two children.
He is the Director of Missions and Outreaches of The Joshua Generation Trust. He is a member of the ministerial team of the Joshua Generation Trust. An ordained minister of the gospel under The Joshua Generation Trust. He ministers with an apostolic and prophetic grace on his life.
He is a member of The Joshua Generation Trust and leads the Kingdom Academy, the interdenominational school of ministry hosted by The Joshua Generation Trust and the Outreach training programs.
Apostle Erick has a Diploma in Hotel Management and a Diploma in Kingdom / Christian ministries from the Kingdom Academy.
He served in PETREM, a youth interdenominational ministry where he served as chairman of the Kenya chapter overseeing its itinerant outreaches, school of ministry and local church; within the same ministry he also did missionary and pastoral work under its Word of Light Church in Johannesburg, South Africa.
He is married to Prophet Susan and they are blessed with two children.
She is the Director of Administration at The Joshua Generation Trust and an Associate Pastor at The Eagles Nest Church. She is an ordained minister under The Joshua Generation Trust and is a member of the ministerial team. She is an ordained minister of the gospel under The Joshua Generation Trust and serves as an Assistant Pastor the Eagles Nest Church.
Prophet Susan is a holder of a BA Degree in Business Studies, Mathematics & Sociology; a Diploma in Management of NGOs and a Diploma in Kingdom / Christian ministries from the Kingdom Academy. She has experience in the real estate sector having worked in various positions from marketer, accounts assistant to managerial level in Surbubia Limited in Nairobi, Kenya.
She is married to Apostle Erick and they are blessed with two children.